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Genre Guide

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If you've read the opening to one of my genre articles and want the rest, you've come to the right place!
This guide compiles all the Tips and Insight genre writing articles here on Story to Script, formatting them into a digital 123 page, 41,000 word PDF document. If you look at the sample images here, you'll see that I painstakingly applied new styles to all the content for easier reading and reference.
If you’re writing Horror, Action, Thriller or Drama fiction, you want this guide.
In fact, I'm so confidant the guide is going to help you, I’d like to take a moment to remind y’all about the donate link on the website here.
After you read it and smash your story, feel free to buy me a coffee.
I drink a lot of coffee.
If you buy this guide and then become an official member of StoryToScript.com to read some of the other awesome sauce articles, I’ll discount the cost of the book back to you.
See, ya got it for free.
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